This is a temporary page. Its a functional proof of concept. Images and most of the text are copyright D&R.
A medium bodied blend, developed to be smooth and flavorful, with no bitter taste on the palate. This satisfying blend of flue-cured Gold Leaf, air-cured Burley and Oriental tobaccos tastes great. And the wonderful tobacco aroma shines through because our premium blend has no chemical flavorings.
This one is just brings together all the Vengeur options. You still have to go through the change quantity screen before it gets to the cart. I also played with the option list (OPTGROUP labels).

A special selection composed of 100% flue-cured Gold Leaf tobacco. You'll notice the lighter leaf color, savor the pleasant aroma, and enjoy the smooth taste of American Gold. With no chemical flavorings or casings, you will delight from the sensation of smoking real unadulterated tobacco.
This one goes directly to the cart. The cart knows nothing about the 6 Can option (It'll show up as 1 can @ $5.25). The idea is consistency, to have all pricing be three tiered - each, half/small case and full case.